The 2021 Legislative Session began on Monday, January 12, 2021 and is scheduled to end on Sunday, April 25, 2021.
February 15, 2021 is the first cutoff date. This is the last date that bills must pass out of committee except for those in the House fiscal committees and Senate Ways and Means and Transportation Committees.
Top Action of the Week:
There are 2 bills that are scheduled for a hearing this week dealing with peace officer accountability.
SB 5051 Concerning state oversight and accountability of peace officers and corrections officers.
HB 1082 and SB 5051 improve the certification, background check, and decertification of law enforcement officers. The bill accomplishes this by
- adjusting the membership of the Criminal Justice Training Center (CJTC) to a total of 17 persons including representatives who have not been employed in the last 10 years as a peace officer. improving the process to decertify peace and corrections officers who have engaged in serious misconduct,
- requiring the CJTC to issue public recommendations to the governing body of a law enforcement agency regarding the agency’s command decisions, inadequacy of policy or training, investigations or disciplinary decisions regarding misconduct, potential systemic violations of law or policy, unconstitutional policing, or other matters
- requiring law enforcement agencies to report misconduct to the CJTC, and
- requiring a public database containing information about all conduct investigated by the CJTC.
SB 5066 Concerning a peace officer’s duty to intervene
SB 5066 requires a peace officer to intervene when the officer witnesses a fellow peace officer engaging in the use of excessive force. A peace officer who observes wrongdoing by a fellow officer is required to report the wrongdoing to the officer’s supervisor. Law enforcement agencies must adopt written policies on the duty to intervene and ensure that all law enforcement officers obtain training on the policy through the Criminal Justice Training Commission.
Status: Both 5051 and SB 5066 are in the Senate Ways and Means Committee where they are scheduled for a public hearing on Monday February 1 at 4 PM.
Action: Contact your senators on the Senate Ways and means Committee and let them know you support SB 5051 and SB 5066.
Whether or not you can attend this hearing – if you can only do one thing, contact your legislators and ask for their support and YES vote on SB 5051 and SB 5066.
You can contact your legislators by calling the Legislative Hotline at 1 800-562-6000. You can also contact them by e-mail using this format: If you need to look up your legislators, use the following link to find them:
Note: Committee members for House and Senate Committees are listed at the end of this alert.
We have also included hyperlinks on each of the bill actions below, which will take you to the WA State Legislature’s comment page for the bill where you can enter your support or opposition to the bill and include a comment (up to 1000 characters).
Civil and Equal Rights
Watermarks on ballots
HB 1003 Requiring watermarks on mail-in ballots.
HB 1003 limits vote by mail ballots to only those mailed to a voter. Currently if you lose your ballot, you can reprint it, as well as the envelope and mail it and your vote will be counted. The bill also eliminates the ability for the Voter Student Engagement hubs from assisting college and university students from downloading their ballots in order to vote. This bill disenfranchises voters and would cost the elections departments additional monies to implement the procedures to inspect the ballots for the watermark.
Status: HB 1003 is in the House State Government and Tribal Relations Committee.
Action: Contact your representatives on the House State Government and Tribal Relations Committee and let them know that you oppose HB 1003.
Legal aid for undocumented immigrants
HB 1072 Removing only one of the restrictions on the use of civil legal aid funds.
HB 1072 removes a restriction on the Office of Civil Legal Aid (“OCLA”) funding that prohibits distributing funds to legal aid providers who use those funds to serve undocumented immigrants.
Status: HB 1072 p House Appropriations Committee where it is scheduled for a public hearing on Tuesday, Jan 26 at 3:30 PM.
Action: Contact your representatives on the House Appropriations Committee and let them know you support HB 1072 and request that they pass it out of committee.
Voter Eligibility
HB 1078 Restoring voter eligibility for all persons convicted of a felony offense who are not in total confinement under the jurisdiction of the department of corrections.
SB 5086 Restoring voter eligibility for all persons convicted of a felony offense who are not in total confinement under the jurisdiction of the department of corrections.
HB 1078 and SB 5086 change the voting rights law to automatically restore a felon’s voting rights as long as the defendant is not in total confinement with the department of corrections. It states that a person serving a term of community custody is not considered to be in total confinement of the department of corrections and does not include confinement imposed as a sanction for a community custody violation. A person who has had their voting rights restored must reregister to vote before voting
Status: HB 1078 passed out of the State Government and Tribal Relations Committee and is most likely being sent to the House Rules Committee where it can be scheduled for a vote by the full House.
SB 5086 is in the Senate State Government and Elections Committee and is eligible for a public hearing and executive session.
Action: Contact your representatives and let them know that you support HB 1078 and ask that they vote yes when HB 1078 comes to the floor.
Contact your senators on the Senate State Government and Elections Committee and let them know that you support SB 5086.
Child Custody jurisdiction and enforcement related to countries who have the death penalty on the basis of religious beliefs, political beliefs, or sexual orientation
HB 1042 Revising the international application of the uniform child custody jurisdiction and enforcement act to protect families from facing the death penalty in certain foreign jurisdictions on the basis of religious beliefs, political beliefs, or sexual orientation.
HB 1042 modifies the requirement of upholding a foreign country’s child custody laws when the foreign country holds that a person’s abandonment or renunciation of a religious belief, political belief or homosexuality are punishable by death. A WA State Court may not enforce such a court order from a foreign country if either the child or the parent may be at risk of being subject to such laws.
Status: HB 1042 has passed out of the House on Friday, January 22 and is now in the Senate. It has not yet been assigned to committee.
Action: Contact your senators and let them know you support HB 1042.
Peace officer accountability
HB 1082 Concerning state oversight and accountability of peace officers and corrections officers.
SB 5051 Concerning state oversight and accountability of peace officers and corrections officers.
HB 1082 and SB 5051 improve the certification, background check, and decertification of law enforcement officers. The bill accomplishes this by
- adjusting the membership of the Criminal Justice Training Center (CJTC) to a total of 17 persons including representatives who have not been employed in the last 10 years as a peace officer. improving the process to decertify peace and corrections officers who have engaged in serious misconduct,
- requiring the CJTC to issue public recommendations to the governing body of a law enforcement agency regarding the agency’s command decisions, inadequacy of policy or training, investigations or disciplinary decisions regarding misconduct, potential systemic violations of law or policy, unconstitutional policing, or other matters
- requiring law enforcement agencies to report misconduct to the CJTC, and
- requiring a public database containing information about all conduct investigated by the CJTC.
Status: HB 1082 has had its public hearing in the House Public Safety Committee and is eligible for an executive session.
SB 5051 has passed out of the Senate Law and Justice Committee and is now in the Senate Ways and Means Committee where it can be scheduled for a public hearing and executive session.
Action: Contact your representatives on the House Public Safety Committee and let them know you support HB HB 1082 and ask that they pass it out of committee.
Contact your senators on the Senate Law and Ways and Means Committee and let them know you support SB 5051 and ask that they pass it out of committee.
HB 1202 Addressing meaningful civil remedies for persons injured as a result of police misconduct, including by allowing for an award of attorney fees in addition to damages and injunctive and declaratory relief.
HB 1202 establishes a cause of action by an individual who was injured by a peace officer or a peace officer who through reasonable diligence to aid or prevent the injury from occurring and failed to do so. The bill outlines actions by the peace officer that constitute injury:
- Conduct under civil law that constitutes assault, battery, outrage, false imprisonment, false arrest, 38 malicious prosecution, trespass, or conversion; or
- Executed a detention, traffic stop, search, seizure, or entry into a home that is unlawful under the state Constitution; or
- Engaged in conduct that violated the duty of reasonable care or
- Violated a provision of RCW 10.93.16 which deals with the restrictions that law enforcement agencies most follow when dealing with immigration and citizenship status.
A peace officer has a defense against an action if, when the injury occurred, the officer substantially complied with a regulation, practice, procedure, or policy that was established by the employer or approved or condoned by superior officers. If the peace officer proves this defense, the employer is independently liable for the injury if the injury was proximately caused by a regulation, custom, usage, practice, procedure, or policy approved or condoned by the employer.
Status: HB 1202 is in the House Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee is eligible for an executive session.
Action: Contact your representative on the House Civil Rights & Judiciary Committee and let them know you support HB 1202.
5066 Concerning a peace officer’s duty to intervene
SB 5066 requires a peace officer to intervene when the officer witnesses a fellow peace officer engaging in the use of excessive force. A peace officer who observes wrongdoing by a fellow officer is required to report the wrongdoing to the officer’s supervisor. Law enforcement agencies must adopt written policies on the duty to intervene and ensure that all law enforcement officers obtain training on the policy through the Criminal Justice Training Commission.
Status: SB 5066 has passed out of the Senate Law and Justice Committee and is now in the Senate Ways and Means Committee where it is eligible for a public hearing and executive session
Action: Contact your senators on the Senate Ways and means Committee and let them know you support SB 5066.
Death Penalty
SB 5047 Reducing criminal justice expenses by eliminating the death penalty and instead requiring life imprisonment without possibility of release or parole as the sentence for aggravated first degree murder.
SB 5047 changes WA criminal code to eliminate the death penalty. In February 2014, Governor Inslee signed an executive order imposing a moratorium on the death penalty in WA State due to its inconsistent and unequal application and the enormous costs associated with seeking this punishment.
Status: SB 5047 has been referred to the Senate Law and Justice Committee where it is eligible for a public hearing.
Action: Contact your senators on the Senate Law and Justice Committee and let them know you support SB 5047.
Unlawfully Summoning Police
SB 5135 Concerning unlawfully summoning a police officer
SB 5135 creates a private cause of action which allows a person to sue in a civil action for damages against any person who knowingly causes a law enforcement officer to arrive at a location with the intent to:
- Infringe on the other person’s constitutional rights
- Discriminate against the other person
- Cause the person to feel harassed, humiliated or embarrassed,
- Cause the person to be expelled from a place in which the person is lawfully located, or
- Damage the person’s
- reputation or standing in the community, or
- financial, economic, consumer, or business prospects or interests.
Status: SB 5135 has passed out of the Senate Law and Justice Committee and is now in the Senate Rules Committee where it can be scheduled for a vote by the full Senate.
Action: Contact your senators let them know you support SB 5135 and ask for a YES vote when it comes to the floor.
Economic Equity and Support for Low Income Individuals and Families
Measuring Possible Disparate Impact of Legislature on Historically Marginalized Communities
HB 1264 – Establishing an Equity Impact Statement for Legislative Proposals
SB 5274 – Establishing an Equity Impact Statement for Legislative Proposal
HB 1264 establishes a measurement tool to provide legislators with aggregated and disaggregated demographical data and other information to help them proactively identify possible disparate impacts on historically marginalized communities, and thus be able to make better informed and intentional decisions on legislative proposals.
Implementation requires that an Equity Impact Statement be generated and provided prior to or at the time any legislative proposal requiring a fiscal note is first heard by the committee of reference in the house or origin. The Equity Impact Statement may also be provided at the request of a legislator if a fiscal note is not required.
HB 1264 directs the Office of Financial Management develop procedures and format for the Equity Impact Statement, and to submit a report to the governor by November 15, 2021.
STATUS: HB 1264 has been scheduled for executive session in the House Committee on State Governmental & Tribal Relations on January 28 at 10:00 AM, but no action was taken.
ACTION: Contact your representatives on the House Committee on State Governmental & Tribal Relations, ask them to schedule HB 1264 for an executive session and ask them to pass it out of committee.
STATUS: SB 5274 Referred to the state Government & Elections Committee on January 19.
ACTION: Contact your representatives on the Government & Elections Committee, tell them to support SB 5274 and ask them to schedule public hearing and executive session.
Housing for low-income households and households in need
HB 1035 Providing local governments with options to grant rent relief and preserve affordable housing in their communities.
HB 1035 provides communities a local option to preserve and increase healthy, high quality, and affordable rental housing opportunities for low-income households and very low-income households when the governing authority has found that there are insufficient affordable housing opportunities available. It also encourages housing opportunities that are affordable to renters at below market rent levels, as determined by the governing authority upon considering community needs, market rental costs, and income levels of renters. Under HB 1035, a city or county governing authority may by ordinance or resolution establish an affordable housing incentive program to preserve affordable housing within the city or unincorporated area that meets health and quality standards for low-income households and very low-income households at risk of displacement or that cannot afford market rate housing.
Status: HB 1035 has been referred to the Finance Committee where it is eligible for a public hearing and executive session.
Action: Contact your representatives on the House Finance Committee and let them know you support HB 1035 and ask that it be scheduled for a public hearing and executive session.
HB 1070 Modifying allowed uses of local tax revenue for affordable housing and related services to include the acquisition and construction of affordable housing and facilities.
HB 1070 allows county and city governments to submit an authorizing proposition to the voters at a special or general election that modifies allowed uses of local tax revenue for affordable housing and related services, to include the acquisition and construction of affordable housing and facilities. HB 1070
- Expands the allowable uses of a portion of revenues from the local sales and use tax for housing and related services to include acquiring affordable housing.
- Requires a county that seeks to acquire a facility using funds from the local sales and use tax for housing and related services to consult with the city in which the facility is located prior to acquisition and to ensure that at least 15 percent of the services provided in an acquired facility are provided for residents of that city.
- Clarifies that affordable housing includes emergency, transitional, and supportive housing for purposes of the local sales and use tax for housing and related services.
- Expands the allowable uses of a portion of revenues from the state shared lodging tax to include housing and facilities for homeless youth for counties with a population of at least 1.5 million.
Status: HB 1070 has passed out of the House Committee on Finance with a DO PASS recommendation and is headed to the Rules Committee where it can be scheduled for a vote by the full House.
Action: Contact your representatives to let them know you support HB 1070 and ask that they vote YES when it comes to the floor.
HB 1277 – Providing for an additional revenue source for eviction prevention and housing stability services
SB 5279 – Providing for an additional revenue source for eviction prevention and housing stability services
HB 1277 creates an eviction prevention rental assistance program by providing resources to households most likely to become homeless and/or suffer severe health consequences after eviction. This bill promotes equity by prioritizing households, including communities of color, disproportionately impacted by public health emergencies and homelessness and housing instability.
Grants will be provided by eligible nonprofit organizations to provide rental assistance, including rental arrears, future rent, and utility assistance if needed to prevent eviction, as well as foreclosure and dispute resolution eviction prevention services, rental assistance for people experiencing homelessness, and tenant education and legal assistance.
As a revenue source, a surcharge of $100 will be instituted for each document (with some exceptions) recorded at a county auditor office.
the House passed a substitute bill that requires a report on the expenditures, performance, and outcomes of the eviction prevention rental assistance program, to include the number of households served in that are comprised of adults without minor children, and/or households with adults and minor children, unaccompanied youth, and young adults.
STATUS: The House Housing, Human Services Committee passed substitute HB 1277 out of committee. The bill is most likely headed to the House Appropriations Committee for their action.
ACTION: Call your representatives on the House Appropriations Committee and ask them to pass Substitute HB1277 out of committee.
STATUS: SB 5279 has been referred to the Housing & Local Government Committee.
ACTION: Call your representatives on the Senate Housing & Local Government Committee and tell them to support SB 5279 and ask that it be scheduled for a public hearing and executive session.
HB 1350 – Providing a property tax exemption for limited equity cooperative housing
HB 1350 exempts limited equity cooperatives from property tax, provided a majority of the property is used and occupied by low-income households. The public policy objective of this bill is to financially incentivize the formation and use of limited equity cooperatives, and to increase the availability of housing to low-income households.
To be eligible for this tax exemption, the housing must be insured, financed, or assisted, in whole or in part through a federal or state housing program administered by the department of commerce; or a federal or state housing program administered by the federal department of housing and urban development, a city or county government.
STATUS: HB 1350 has been referred to the House Finance Committee.
ACTION: Contact your representatives in the House Finance Committee, tell them you support HB 1319 and ask them to schedule it for public hearing and executive session
SB 5375– Concerning a study of the difference in low-income housing development in urban and rural locations.
SB 5375 directs the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee to conduct a study to identify and compare the amount of publicly subsidized low-income housing in urban and rural counties, and to compare it with the demographics in those areas. To the extent practicable, the study will review contributing factors that may impact differences. The study will also determine what funding sources have been provided to low-income housing projects built in rural counties.
STATUS: SB 5375 is scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Committee on Housing & Local Government on Thursday, February 4 and 8:00 AM.
ACTION: Call your representatives on the Senate Housing & Local Government, tell them you support SB 5375 and ask them to schedule it for an executive session.
Public assistance for low-income households and households in need
HB 1151 – Bolstering economic recovery
HB 1151 establishes a consolidated emergency assistance program (CEAP) for families with children. Benefits cab be provided to alleviate emergent conditions resulting from insufficient income. These benefits may be used to provide for: food, shelter, clothing, medical care, or other necessary items. They may also be used for family reconciliation services, family preservation services, home-based services, short-term substitute care in a licensed agency, crisis nurseries, therapeutic childcare, or other necessary services.
Federal emergency assistance funds will be used to supplement the state funds appropriated for the operation of this program as long as other departmental programs are not adversely affected by the receipt of federal funds. If state funds appropriated for the consolidated emergence assistance program are exhausted, the department may discontinue the program.
During a governor ordered a state of emergency and pursuant to an order from the governor benefits under this program may be extended to individuals and families without children and the 12-month period may be extended.
The House Housing, Human Services & Veterans Committee passed a substitute version of HB 1151 which amends this bill to:
- Allow Consolidated Emergency Assistance to be provided more than once in a 12-month period when directed by the Governor.
- Requires the Department of Social and Health Services to update the standards of need for cash assistance programs. Currently cash grants are lower than the standard of need for food, clothing, shelter, and other household costs.
- Adds an emergency clause with an immediate effective date for the provisions related to the CEAP.
- Requires a one-time cash benefit for households whose eligibility for Basic Food is ending to be funded with state funds.
Status: Substitute HB 1151 has passed out of the House Committee on Housing, Human Services & Veterans with the recommendation that the substitute bill be substituted and a do pass recommendation. It has been referred to Appropriations.
Action: Call your representatives in the Appropriations Committee, let them know you support HB 1151 and ask that it be scheduled for public hearing.
HB 1319 – Creating a Washington recovery rebate by temporarily expanding the working families’ tax exemption
HB 1319 Creates a recovery rebate for low-income persons by temporarily expanding the working families sales tax exemption. Eligible persons must pay the sales tax for a given year but are allowed to claim a rebate of their sales tax the following year.
STATUS: HB 1319 has been referred to the House Finance Committee.
ACTION: Contact your representatives in the House Finance Committee, tell them you support HB 1319 and ask them to schedule it for public hearing and executive session.
Incentives for employment of hard to place job seekers
SB 5358– Providing incentives to employers to hire certain hard-to-place job seekers.
SB 5385 provides employers a business and occupation tax credit, or a public utility tax credit, for hiring unemployed persons who have been homeless, convicted of a felony, are recipients of temporary assistance for needy families, are recipients of security income recipient, or if they have received a vocational rehabilitation referral.
STATUS: SB 5358 has been scheduled for executive session in the Human Services, Reentry and Rehabilitation Committee at 1:30 PM on Thursday, February 4.
ACTION: Call your senators on the Senate Human Services, Reentry and Rehabilitation Committee, tell them you support SB 5358 and ask them to pass it out of committee.
SB 5214 – Concerning economic assistance programs.
SB 5214 amends the current law that limits the amount of time an adult can receive economic assistance from the state. It states that the current 60-month limit may be extended if, in addition to the current exceptions, the recipient is participating satisfactorily in the program, is temporarily prevented from working or looking for a job, and/or is in need of mental health or substance use disorder treatment.
STATUS: SB 5214 has been scheduled for executive session in the Human Services, Reentry & Rehabilitation committee on Tuesday, February 2 at 1:30 PM.
ACTION: Call you representatives on the Human Services, Reentry & Rehabilitation committee and tell them to support SB 5214 and ask that it be passed out of committee.
SB 5241 – Promoting economic inclusion.
SB 5241 directs the department of commerce to establish and oversee the implementation of local economic inclusion grants for local communities to promote equity, economic inclusion, and a stable financial foundation for people experiencing poverty, with a particular focus on people of color and people in rural counties, primarily through better coordination of existing programs and resources. The purpose of these grants is to empower and incentivize local communities to coordinate existing poverty reduction resources and benefits to make them easier to access, get them to the people who need them, and work as a coordinated system, to help more people move out of poverty and be included in Washington’s economic success.
STATUS: SB 5241 has been scheduled for executive session in the Senate Human Services, Reentry & Rehabilitation Committee at 1:30 PM on Thursday, February 4.
ACTION: Call you representation on the Senate Human Services, Reentry & Rehabilitation committee, tell them to support SB5241 and ask that it be voted out of committee.
Relief to low-income customers through reduction in government mandated costs to BPA and electric utilities
SB 5007 – Addressing the economic challenges facing Washington citizens from the COVID-19 pandemic through a temporary reduction in compliance and tax burden on electric utilities
SB 5007 Provides temporary cost relief of compliance costs to electric utilities, enabling them to pass this reduction on to low-income utility customers.
Status: Status: SB 5007 had been referred to the Environment, Energy & Technology committee.
Action: Contact your representatives on the Environment, Energy & Technology committee and let them know you support 5007 and ask that it be scheduled for a public hearing and executive session.
SB 5008. Extending the business and occupation tax exemption for amounts received as credits against contracts with or funds provided by the Bonneville power administration and used for low-income ratepayer assistance and weatherization.
SB 5008 makes permanent the exemption from business and occupation tax amounts received by utilities in the form of credits against power contracts or received from the Bonneville power administration for energy conservation purposes, if the tax savings are used by utilities for low-income ratepayer assistance or weatherization programs. This exemption will induce utilities to invest funds in energy conservation and efficiency programs, thereby reducing the amount of electric energy that such utilities must either generate or purchase, thereby reducing energy costs to utilities and customers. Further, state laws mandating utilities to acquire energy through both energy conservation and noncarbon-emitting resources can increase the cost of energy to ratepayers.
Status: SB 5008 is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee where it is eligible for a public hearing and executive session.
Action: Contact your representatives on the Senate Ways & Means Committee, let them know you support SB 5008 and ask that it be scheduled for public hearing.
Authorizing new taxes to local governments for funding affording housing
SB 5012. Providing a local government option for the funding of essential affordable housing program.
SB 5012 Authorizes the legislative bodies of counties, cities or towns to levy and collect a special excise tax on the furnishing of lodging of short-term rentals facilitated through an internet-based short-term rental platform. Moneys collected from the special excise tax must be used exclusively for the operating and capital costs of affordable housing programs including, but not limited to, homeless housing assistance, temporary shelters, and other related services. A city or town may use revenues collected under this section for contracts, loans, or grants to nonprofit organizations or public housing authorities for services related to affordable housing programs. They may also retain up to five percent of the moneys collected in each calendar year for direct and indirect costs incurred in the administration of these services and programs.
Status: SB 5012 is eligible for an executive session in the Senate Committee on Housing & Local Government.
Action: Contact your senators in the Senate Committee on Housing & Local Government and let them know you support SB 5012 and ask that it be scheduled for an executive session to pass out of committee.
Redefining eligibility requirements for working connections childcare program
SB 5023 Concerning working connections childcare eligibility and unemployment benefits.
SB 5023 ensures that temporary federal unemployment benefits do not disrupt continuity of childcare for families seeking work by re-defining income eligibility so that it does not include increases in state of federal unemployment benefits.
Status: SB 5023 passed out of the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education and is now in the Senate Ways and Means Committee where it is eligible for a public hearing and executive session.
Action: Contact your representatives in the Senate Ways & Means Committee, let them know you support SB 5023 and ask that they schedule a public hearing.
Providing tax deferral in high unemployment counties to stimulate employment
SB 5029 Concerning tax deferrals for investment projects in high unemployment counties.
SB 5029 reestablishes a tax deferral program to be effective solely in counties experiencing chronically high levels of unemployment. The legislature declares that this limited program serves the vital public purpose of creating employment opportunities and reducing poverty in the distressed counties experiencing levels of unemployment that are higher than those of the state.
Status: SB 5029 has been scheduled for public hearing in the Business, Financial Services and Trade Committee on January 26 at 8:00 AM.
Action: Contact your representatives on the Senate Committee on Business, Financial Services and Trade Committee, let them know you support SB 5029 and ask them to schedule it for executive session.
Property tax relief for senior citizens
SB 5289 Providing property tax relief to senior citizens.
SB 5289 exempts all persons 75 years of age or older from state and local property tax on their place of principal residence, regardless of combined household income, provided they are the owner of record of the residence. This exemption may be transferred to a different residence, provided no exemption is made on more than one residence a year. A spouse or domestic partner may claim this exemption if at least one spouse or domestic partner is 75 years of age or otherwise meets eligibility requirements.
Status: SB 5289 is in the Senate Ways and Means Committee where it is eligible for a public hearing and executive session.
Action: Contact your representatives on the Senate Ways & Means Committee, let them know you support SB 5289 and ask them to schedule a public hearing and executive session on the bill.
SB 5290– Modifying the income eligibility requirement for the senior citizen and persons with disabilities property tax exemption program.
SB 5290 provides a property tax exemption or tax reduction for a person who is:
- Sixty-one years of age or older or retired from gainful employment by reason of disability by December 31 of the year the exemption claim is filed; or
- A veteran of the US armed forces, receiving compensation from the US department of veterans (with certain qualifications); or
- A surviving spouse or domestic partner of a person who was receiving an exemption at their time of death, if the claimant is fifty-seven years of age or older and otherwise meets the requirements stated in the bill; or
- Is living in residence with a spouse or domestic partner who meets these eligibility requirements.
STATUS: SB 5290 is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee where it is eligible for a public hearing and executive session.
ACTION: Call your senators on the Ways & Means Committee, tell them you support SB 5290 and ask them to schedule a public hearing and executive session on the bill.
Assistance for homeowners navigating the foreclosure process
HB 1108 Maintaining funding and assistance for homeowners navigating the foreclosure process.
Homeownership is a key determinant to building wealth and there is a serious racial wealth gap here as in the nation. Washington’s Foreclosure Fairness program has been underfunded and needs a permanent fund source to stabilize to ensure housing counseling, legal aid and mediation to Washington’s families. The COVID-19 pandemic will very likely lead to a rush of foreclosures once foreclosure moratoriums are lifted. Rep. Orwall is introducing a series of bills to address foreclosure prevention. She is promoting revamping the estate tax, as proposed by the Economic Opportunity Institute, to make it more progressive. The proposal would generate over $100 million in the current biennium of which a portion would be dedicated to homelessness prevention including foreclosure prevention.
HB 1108 puts in place a temporary stopgap remedy requiring banks and credit unions that own or service a mortgage for a residential property to offer foreclosure mediation services even though they may have done less than 250 foreclosures in 2020. Also, the fees increased from $300 to $325 per nonjudicial foreclosure trustee sale. The expiration date of the remediation requirement is December 31, 2022.
As a reminder, the Governor put $3.875m in FY 2021 in his proposed supplemental budget and $7.307m in both FY 2022 and 2023 in his proposed biennial budget for foreclosure prevention, specifically “to assist current and prospective homeowners, and homeowners at risk of foreclosure. Funding provided in this section may be used for activities to prevent mortgage or tax lien foreclosure, housing counselors, a foreclosure prevention hotline, legal services for low-income individuals, mediation, and other activities that promote homeownership. The department may contract with other foreclosure fairness program state partners to carry out this work.”
Status: HB 1108 has passed out of the House on a unanimous vote and is on its way to the Senate.
Action: Contact your senators and let them know you support HB 1108.
Notification of recorded documents with unlawful racial restrictions
HB 1335 Concerning review and property owner notification of recorded documents with unlawful racial restrictions.
HB 1335 requires counties and cities when updating their growth management comprehensive plans to review existing recorded covenants and deed restrictions to identify those documents that include racial or other restrictions on property ownership or use against protected classes that are unlawful. After identifying these, they must notify the current owner of the property with information on how the property owner may record a document striking from the referenced original instrument all provisions that are void and unenforceable under law.
Many homeowners would never find out about the existence of racial covenants. A number of real estate companies have created a process through which racial covenant or deed restrictions are identified when a property is listed, but that will only capture properties when they are sold. This bill is needed to take proactive measures to assure that these covenants and deed restrictions that are void and unenforceable are removed from these documents. This bill has the support of the realtors.
Status: HB 1335 is in the House Local Government Committee where it is scheduled for a public hearing on Tuesday, February 2nd at 10 AM and for an executive session on Friday, February 5th at 8 AM.
Action: Contact your representatives on the House Local Government Committee and let them know you support HB 1335 and ask that they pass it out of committee.
Credit Scoring in Insurance
SB 5010 Banning Credit Scoring in Insurance.
SB 5010 bans the use of credit scoring in insurance. This bill is brought forth as OIC/Governor request because credit scoring is discriminatory and should not be used as a tool to decide insurance rates. People of color and with lower incomes are disproportionately and negatively impacted by this practice – meaning they are paying higher insurance rates because of their credit scores – and it must end. It is about racial equity and economic fairness.
This quote from a recent Crosscut article sums it up: A 2015 analysis by Consumer Reports found that, in Washington state, a driver with poor credit and a clean driving record would pay $690 a year more for auto insurance than someone with excellent credit and a conviction for driving under the influence. In 2007, the legislature passed SB 5827 by Sen. Hobbs that banned the use of credit scoring for the purpose of employment. Same concept. We hope this will be the year that credit scoring will also be banned in insurance.
Check out Office of the Insurance Commissioner’s (OIC’s) credit score website: – the short video on this site – it is excellent! And media links… in the OIC fact sheet.
Status: SB 5010 held a public hearing in the Business, Financial Services & Trade Committee on January 14th and it is eligible for an executive session.
Action: Please continue to reach out to Chair Mullet and members of the committee and urge them to pass it out of committee AS IS! Contact your senators on the Senate Business, Financial Services and Trade Committee and let them know you support SB 5010.
HB 1351 Concerning reasonable exceptions to insurance rates for consumers whose credit information is influenced by extraordinary life circumstances.
HB 1351 The insurance industry has come up with a counter strategy (to SB 5010) which says if you use credit information a person can ask for exception from the rates produced by the algorithms if they show independently verifiable proof of a catastrophic event.
Status: HB 1351 is scheduled for a public hearing on Monday, February 1st and an executive session on Thursday, February 4th at 10 AM in the House Consumer Protection and Business Committee.
Action: Oppose HB 1351 as it doesn’t address systemic discrimination, is open to further discrimination due to subjective review and puts the consumer in the position of asking for relief from rates that are determined by using credit scoring, which is a known race proxy (see the information above from the OIC). Contact your representative on the House Consumer Protection & Business committee and let them know you oppose HB 1351 and ask that it not be passed out of committee.
Consumer Protection Act
SB 5025 Concerning the Consumer Protection Improvement Act.
SB 5025 is legislation requested by the Washington State Attorney General that provides an update to the civil penalties allowed in the Consumer Protection Act. Maximum civil penalties for violation of the CPA are increased as follows:
- violation of any injunction issued under the CPA—$215,000
- any contract, trust, or conspiracy in restraint of trade or commerce or monopolization or attempt to monopolize any part of trade or commerce—$260,000 for an individual or $1,300,000 for a corporation; and
• unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices in trade or commerce—$13,350 for each violation.
Also, An enhanced penalty of $10,000 shall apply to unlawful acts or practices targeting specific individuals or communities based on demographic characteristics, including age; race; national origin; citizenship or immigration status; sex; sexual orientation; presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability; religion; veteran status; or status as a member of the armed forces.
Status: SB 5025 has passed out of the Senate Law & Justice Committee and is now in the Rules Committee where it can be scheduled for a vote by the full Senate.
Action: Contact the members of the rules committee and ask that this bill move to the floor for a vote. And contact your senators and ask for a YES vote on SB 5025 when it comes to the floor.
Homestead Exemptions
SB 5289 Providing property tax relief to senior citizens.
SB 5289 exempts all persons 75 years of age or older from state and local property tax on their place of principal residence, regardless of combined household income, provided they are the owner of record of the residence. This exemption may be transferred to a different residence, provided no exemption is made on more than one residence a year. A spouse or domestic partner may claim this exemption if at least one spouse or domestic partner is 75 years of age or otherwise meets eligibility requirements.
Status: SB 5289 is in the Senate Ways and Means Committee where it is eligible for a public hearing and executive session.
Action: Contact your representatives on the Senate Ways & Means Committee, let them know you support SB 5289 and ask them to schedule a public hearing and executive session on the bill.
SB 5408 Protecting Equity in the Homes of Washington Families
SB 5408 is primarily sponsored by Northwest Consumer Law Center. Senator Derek Stanford introduced this bill to increase the amount of the homestead exemption to protect Washington state families from losing their homes or a substantial amount of equity in their homes from a forced sale and to allow those in need, the ability to file a federal bankruptcy case without losing their primary residence or a substantial amount of the equity to creditors. With the average price of a home increasing 7.5% per year since 2010, the current homestead exemption of $125,000 has not kept up with the equity increase in a home, leaving homeowner’s facing financial catastrophe without any protection for their biggest asset. The COVID-19 pandemic has hit small businesses and families of color in our state the hardest and this bill is a needed to save a family’s biggest asset, their home.
Status: SB 5408 was dropped in the hopper on Monday, February 1 and is not yet assigned to a committee.
Action: Contact your senators and let them know you support SB 5408.
School Opening Metrics.
SB 5037 Establishing transparent school opening metrics tied to COVID-19 prevalence.
SB 5037 Directs school districts and charter schools to use certain metrics during COVID-19 to determine the education modality for the schools in each county. The bill requires
- Requires in-person learning in certain circumstances, Requires
- Requires the Secretary of Health, State Board of Health, and local health officers to act in accordance with the education modality requirements and
- Prohibits emergency orders by the Governor from superseding, waiving, or suspending statutory and regulatory obligations concerning education modalities.
This bill would have the effect of allowing legislators to dictate how schools will respond to COVID-19 and how they will educate students during this crisis and requires the Board of Health to make decisions according to the dictates placed upon schools and prevents the Governor from exercising authority, effectively makes their mandates absolute.
Status: SB 5037 is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee and will likely not move forward.
Action: Contact your representatives on the House State Government and Tribal Relations Committee and let them know that you oppose SB 5037.
School District Elections
HB 1226: Concerning school district elections. Simple majority for bonds
HB 1226 would remove the requirement for a super-majority of 2/3 to simple majority to pass a school bond election. Levy ballots were also once restricted to a 2/3 majority to pass and this was overturned by the legislature many years ago. It was in recent history that both of these issues were simple majority. A constitutional amendment was passed during a financial down-turn to require the super-majorities. Therefore, it takes a constitutional amendment to correct this inequity, which must pass both houses by a 75% majority. This is not a tax. This is allowing the voters to decide by simple majority—as with all other elections—whether to impose a tax on themselves. Currently, a 1/3 minority of residents dictates whether or not communities may tax themselves to provide facilities for our school children.
Status: HB 1226 is in the House Education Committee where it is eligible for a public hearing and executive session.
Action: Contact your representatives at all levels of the Legislature and let them know that you support HB 1226.
Student Transportation During an Emergency
SSB 5128: Concerning student transportation funding during a local, state, or national emergency
SSB 5128 addresses a potential disruption in school transportation funding caused by the extreme circumstances of the COVID-19 emergency. The current school transportation funding model does not reflect the flexibility necessary to adapt to temporary remote instruction. It uses student ridership data to allocate funding to school districts. With the drop in traditional student ridership, due to COVID-19, and in spite of constant use for student support, a funding decrease will result, that will affect School Districts’ ability to continue delivering services to students when school resumes in the fall. With this act, the legislature intends to temporarily suspend rider eligibility criteria for certain transportation services and to temporarily provide a fixed level of funding to school districts based on student service data so that the temporary drop in student ridership does not impact future transportation allocations. It will prevent the need for layoffs or furloughs which would make drivers unavailable when they are needed to resume driving students to school.
Status: SB 5128 is eligible for an executive session in the Senate Ways and Means Committee where rapid action has been requested.
Action: Contact your Senators in the Ways and Means Committee to let them know that you support SSB 5128 and ask that it be passed out of committee.
Graduation Requirements
HB 1121 Concerning the emergency waiver of graduation requirements.
HB 1121 Authorizes the State Board of Education to permit public and private schools to grant individual student emergency waivers from credit and subject area graduation requirements, graduation pathway requirements, or both, due to a significant disruption from a local, state, or national emergency. It also makes students in the graduating class of 2020 and subsequent classes eligible for the emergency waiver program. The emergency waiver is intended
for use as a last resort when a student, who has otherwise demonstrated they are ready for their postsecondary plans, is unable to complete the graduation requirement despite the district’s good faith effort to help the student. The bill would allow for waiver of credit graduation requirements and/or the graduation pathway requirement on an individual student basis.
Status: HB 1121 passed the House on a 85 aye to 11 nay vote. It is scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee on Friday, Feb 5th at 8 AM.
Action: Contact your Senators in the Early Learning & K-12 Committee to let them know that you support HB 1121.
HB 1162 Concerning high school graduation credit and pathway options.
HB 1162 Reduces the number of credits required for high school graduation from 24 to 20, and applies the revised credit requirements to the graduating class of 2021 and subsequent classes. It establishes an additional graduation pathway option that enables students to meet graduation pathway requirements through the submission of a portfolio meeting specified criteria and modifies credit waiver provisions by limiting a two-credit individual student waiver to students in the graduating class of 2019 and 2020.
Status: Referred to the House Committee on Education, Scheduled for executive session on support HB 1162.
Affordable childcare and early development programs
HB 1213 Expanding accessible, affordable childcare and early childhood development programs. HB 1213 Expanding accessible, affordable childcare and early childhood development programs.
HB1213 and SB 5237 expands access to affordable childcare and early childhood development programs by
- Expanding eligibility and decreasing copayments in the Working Connections Child Care Program and expanding eligibility in the Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program.
- Providing increased rates, training, grants, and services for childcare and early learning providers.
- Establishing a new account for childcare and early learning purposes and includes a non-exhaustive list of allowable fund uses.
- Increasing supports for families of children from birth to age 3 as well as their providers.
Status: HB 1213 is in the House Children, Youth & Families Committee where is is scheduled for 2 executive sessions – on Wednesday, February 3 at 8 AM and again on Thursday, February 4 at 10 AM.
SB 5237 is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Committee where it is scheduled for an executive session on Wednesday, Feb 3 at 10:30 AM.
Action: Contact your representatives on the House Children, Youth & Families Committee and let them know you support HB 1213 and ask that they pass it out of committee.
Contact your senators on the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Committee and let them know that you support SB 5237 and ask that they pass it out of committee.
Mastery-based learning
SB 5249: Supporting mastery-based learning.
In 2019 the legislature passed a bill directing the State Board of Education to convene and staff a mastery-based learning work group to inform the governor, legislature and public about barriers to mastery-based learning. Mastery-based learning provides an alternative to the traditional education model path to graduation. They were also directed to examine opportunities to increase student access to relevant and robust mastery-based academic pathways aligned to personal career goals and post-secondary education. Their final report was presented in December 2020.
SB 5249 begins the implementation of the recommendations of the mastery-based learning work group and
- Requires the Mastery-Based Learning Work Group to develop a Washington State profile of a high school graduate, in consultation with the Educational Opportunity Gap Oversight and Accountability Committee and others.
- Places a representative from an approved teacher preparation program with experience in mastery-based learning on the work group.
- Directs the State Board of Education (SBE) to develop rules relating to the profile of a graduate.
- Requires the SBE to perform a survey on graduation pathways that includes high school students and recent graduates.
Status: Scheduled for executive session on Wednesday, February 3rd in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.
Action: Contact your Senators in the Early Learning & K-12 Committees to let them know that you support SB 5249 and ask that they pass it out of committee.
Reproductive Rights and Health Care
Prohibit abortion based on down syndrome
HB 1008 Prohibiting abortion on the basis of Down Syndrome.
HB 1008 prohibits abortion in circumstances when the fetus has been diagnosed with down syndrome. Any physician who performs an abortion in such circumstances will have their license revoked and is liable for civil action.
Status: HB 1008 has been assigned to the House Health Care & Wellness Committee.
Action: Contact your legislators and let them know you oppose HB 1008.
Requiring student health plans to cover maternity care and related services, including abortion
HB 1009 Relating to student health plans.
HB 1009 requires student health plans to cover maternity care and related services. This includes abortion coverage. It ensures that student health plans are not exempt from state laws and rules requiring abortion coverage and are held to the same standard as other market health plans.
Status: HB 1009 was passed out of committee on Thursday, January 14 and referred to the Rules Committee where it can be scheduled for a vote by the full House.
Action: Contact your legislators and let them know you support HB 1009 and ask for a YES vote when it come to the floor.
Issuing certificates of birth resulting in stillbirth
HB 1031 Concerning the government issuance of a certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth.
SB 5072 Concerning the government issuance of a certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth.
HB 1031 and SB 5072 create a process allowing any person who gives birth to a stillborn fetus to request and receive a certification of birth resulting in stillbirth from the applicable state or local registrar.
Status: HB 1031 was passed out of committee on Thursday, January 14 and referred to the Rules Committee where it can be scheduled for a vote by the full House.
SB 5072 has been assigned to the Senate Health & Long Term Care Committee.
Action: Contact your Representatives and let them know you support HB 1031 and ask for a YES vote when it come to the floor.
Contact your Senator and let them know that you support SB 5072.
Expanding Paid Family Leave
HB 1073 Expanding coverage of the Paid Family and Medical Leave program.
HB 1073 expands access to the state’s Paid Family and Medical Leave program. It changes the eligibility criterion from working at least 820 hours for an employer to making at least $1,000 with that employer, and it expands the legal definition of family member to include any individual related by blood or affinity whose close association is the equivalent of a family member and includes child, grandchild, grandparent, sibling or spouse of an employee.
Status: HB 1073 is in the House Labor & Workplace Standards Committee where it is scheduled for executive session on Friday, February 5 at 8 am.
Action: Contact your representatives and members of the Health Care and Wellness Committee and tell them you support HB 1031 and ask that they pass it out of committee.
SB 5097 Expanding coverage of the Paid Family and Medical Leave program.
SB 5097 expands access to the state’s Paid Family and Medical Leave program. It changes the eligibility criterion from requiring an employee to work for an employer with 50 or more employees to having been employed by their current employer for 90 days or more.
Status: SB 5097 is in the Senate Labor, Commerce & Tribal Affairs Committee where it is eligible for an executive session.
Action: Contact your Senators on the Senate Labor, Commerce & Tribal Affairs Committee and let them know that you support SB 5097.
Comprehensive Public Health Districts
HB 1152 Supporting measures to create comprehensive public health districts
SB 5173 Supporting measures to create comprehensive public health districts
HB 1152 and SB 5173 Requires counties to form comprehensive public health districts
beginning January 1, 2023 and repeals provisions related to establishing and operating local boards of
health, local health districts, local district boards of health, and city county health departments.
Status: HB 1152 is in the House Health Care & Wellness Committee where it eligible for an executive session.
SB 5173 has been assigned to the Senate Health & Long Term Care Committee where it is eligible for a public hearing and executive session.
Action: Contact your representatives and let them know you support HB 1152 and ask that they pass it out of committee.
Contact your senators and ask that SB 5173 be scheduled for a public hearing and executive session.
Health coverage regardless of immigration status
HB 1191 Ensuring equity in health coverage.
HB 1191 extends health coverage to all Washington residents, regardless of immigration status by creating state lookalike programs for: Medicaid, accessible for free to people who otherwise meet eligibility for federal Medicaid but for immigration status; and, qualified health plans and qualified dental plans, subsidized in cost to the same extent qualified health and dental plans on the exchange are subsidized.
Status: HB 1191 has been assigned to the House Health Care & Wellness Committee.
Action: Contact your legislators and let them know you support HB 1191 and ask that it be scheduled for a public hearing and executive session.
School based health centers
HB 1225 Supporting school based health centers.
HB 1225 creates a school-based health center program office within the department of health to award grants and coordinate with other agencies and entities to provide support, training, and technical assistance to school-based health centers. School-based health centers advance equity by providing health care access and support at schools.
Status: HB 1225 has been assigned to the House Health Care & Wellness Committee where it is scheduled for executive session on Wednesday, February 3rd at 8 am.
Action: Contact your legislators and let them know you support HB 1225.
Menstrual products in schools
HB 1273 Menstrual hygiene products in school bathrooms.
SB 5070 Menstrual hygiene products in school bathrooms.
HB 1273 and SB 5060, starting in the 2022-2023 school year, would require schools and post-secondary institutions to make available, at no cost, menstrual hygiene products in all gender neutral and bathrooms designated for females. This applies to schools and institutions serving students in grades 6 through 12 and institutions of higher education.
Status: HB 1273 has been assigned to the House Appropriations Committee where it is scheduled for a public hearing on Tuesday, February 2 at 3:30 pm and an executive session on Thursday, February 4 at 3:30 pm.
SB 5070 is in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee and is eligible for an executive session to pass it out of committee.
Action: Contact your representatives on the House Appropriations Committee and let them know you support HB 1273 and ask that they pass it out of committee.
Contact your senators on the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee and let them know you support SB 5070 and ask that they pass it out of committee.
Penalties for prescription drug price increase
SB 5020 Assessing a penalty on unsupported prescription drug price increases to protect the safety, health, and economic well-being of Washington residents.
SB 5020 assesses an annual penalty on prescription unsupported drug price increases. An unsupported price increase is one in which there was no, or inadequate, new clinical evidence to support the price increase. The penalty in any calendar year must equal 80 percent of the difference between the revenue generated by sales within the state of the identified drugs and the revenue that would have been generated if the manufacturer had maintained the wholesale acquisition cost from the previous calendar year, adjusted for inflation using the consumer price index. The manufacturer or distributor of the identified drug must not withdraw the drug from sale or distribution within the state to avoid the penalty. If they plan to do so they must give notice and a $500,000 penalty per identified drug is to be assessed. The revenue collected funds the state’s Foundational Public Health Services account.
Status: SB 5020 is in the Senate Health & Long Term Care Committee where it eligible for an executive session.
Action: Contact your legislators on the Senate Health & Long Term Care Committee and let them know you support SB 5020 and ask that they pass it out of committee.
Health Equity Zones
SB 5052 Creating health equity zones
SB 5052 requires the Department of Health to use health outcome data to identify potential health equity zones and coordinate with community organizations in those zones to identify projects to address the zone’s most urgent needs related to health disparities. The Department is then required to report annually on the projects implemented in each zone.
Status: SB 5052 has passed out of the Senate Health & Long Term Care Committee and was referred to the Senate Ways and Means Committee.
Action: Contact your senators on the Senate Ways and Means Committee and let them know you support SB 5052 and ask that they pass it out of committee.
Notifications for abortion
SB 5053 Requiring parental notifications for abortions.
SB 5053 Requires physicians performing abortions on minors to notify a parent or legal guardian at least 48 hours prior to their intention of performing the abortion. Physicians who perform abortions on minors without notification will be guilty of a gross misdemeanor. Physicians are required to submit monthly reports to the Department of Health with the number of notifications made. The Department is then required to compile the data and make it available publicly.
Status: SB 5053 has been assigned to the Senate Law & Justice Committee.
Action: Contact your legislators and let them know you oppose SB 5053.
Expanding medicaid coverage during the postpartum period
SB 5068 Improving maternal health outcomes by extending coverage during the postpartum period.
SB 5068 extends Medicaid coverage to new birth parents from 60 days post-birth to 365 days post-birth.
Status: SB 5068 was passed out of committee on January 27 and referred to the Senate Ways & Means Committee.
Action: Contact your legislators on the Senate Ways and Means Committee and let them know you support SB 5068 and ask that they pass it out of committee.
Miscarriage-related patient care
SB 5140 Protecting pregnancy and miscarriage-related patient care.
SB 5140 Prohibits health care entities from stopping health care providers from providing health care services related to miscarriage management and treatment for ectopic pregnancies.
Status: SB 5140 is in the Senate Health & Long Term Care Committee where it is eligible for an executive session.
Action: Contact your legislators on the Senate Health & Long Term Care Committee and let them know you support SB 5140 and ask that they pass it out of committee.
Whole Washington Health Trust
SB 5204 Crating the whole Washington Health Trust
SB 5140 Creates the Whole Washington Health Trust to provide coverage for a set of essential health benefits to all Washington residents. These essential health benefits include:
- Hospital services, including hospital-based outpatient care and 24 hour emergency services;
- Ambulatory primary and preventive care services, including chronic disease management;
- Prescription drugs, medical devices, and biological products;
- Mental health and substance abuse treatment services;
- Laboratory and other diagnostic services, including diagnostic imaging services;
- Reproductive, maternity, and newborn care;
- Pediatric primary and specialty care;
- Palliative care and end-of-life care services;
- Oral health, audiology, and vision services;
- Short-term rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices.
Status: SB 5204 has been assigned to the Senate Health & Long Term Care Committee.
Action: Contact your legislators and let them know you support SB 5204 and ask that it be scheduled for a public hearing and executive session.
Health Equity in Medical Training
SB 5228 Requiring health equity training in medical school courses.
SB 5140 Requires the state’s two medical schools, University of Washington and Washington State University, to add health equity training in the required courses. The bill also requires the medical schools to set a goal to be more representative of the demographics of the state of Washington.
Status: SB 5228 is in the Senate Higher Education & Workforce Development Committee where it is eligible for an executive session.
Action: Contact your senators on the Senate Higher Education & Workforce Development
and let them know you support SB 5228.
SB 5229 Requiring health care professionals to complete health equity continuing education.
SB 5229 Requires a licensed health care professional to complete health equity continuing education training at least once every four years.
Status: SB 5229 has been assigned to the Senate Health & Long Term Care Committee where it is eligible for an executive hearing
Action: Contact your senators on the Senate Health & Long Term Care Committee and let them know you support SB 5229.
Health Insurance Discrimination
SB 5313 Making it an unfair practice for health carriers to discriminate against enrollees seeking gender affirming treatment.
SB 5313 Reduces discrimination by health carriers for enrollees seeking gender affirming treatment. Specifically, it amends the law (RCW 49.60.178, 41.05.017; 49.60.040, 48.30.300) to make it an unfair practice for health plans issued or renewed on January 1, 2022, to deny, exclude, reduce or terminate benefits when a participant seeks provider prescribed gender affirming treatment. Also, if the health carrier does not have an adequate network of providers with experience with gender affirming treatment, the health carrier shall ensure the delivery of timely and geographically accessible medically necessary gender affirming treatment at no greater expense than if the health carrier had an in-network, geographically accessible provider available.
Status: SB 5313 has been assigned to the Senate Health & Long Term Care Committee where it is eligible for a public hearing and executive session.
Action: Contact your legislators and let them know you support SB 5313.
Violence Against Women
Unlawful possession of a firearm
HB 1026 Concerning the restoration of the right to possess a firearm.
HB 1026 modifies the criteria for individuals who have been convicted of a felony or found not guilty by reason of insanity and are prohibited from possessing firearms can petition the court for reinstatement of their right to possess a firearm. The criteria include minimum time frames that must have passed before a person can petition the court based on the level of the offense (B or C) with no further convictions, completion of all sentencing conditions, no pending charges, and no extreme risk, domestic violence, stalking or sexual assault order issued withing the 5 years immediately preceding the petition. Persons convicted of or found not guilty by reason of insanity for a class A felony, a felony offense in which a firearm was used, displayed, or threatened or a felony offense with a maximum sentence of at least 20 years would not be eligible. The bill also changes the language in the section regarding the prohibition on possessing firearms from having previously been involuntarily committed for mental health treatment to having been involuntarily committed for treatment of a mental health disorder.
Status: HB 1026 is in the House Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee where it is eligible for a public hearing and executive session.
HB 1038 Prohibiting the possession of firearms by persons convicted of certain criminal offenses.
HB 1038 modifies the list of misdemeanor crimes wherein a person can be prohibited from possessing a firearm. The following crimes are added to the list:
- Unlawful aiming or discharge of a firearm or dangerous weapon
- Animal cruelty in the second degree.
The bill also adds persons who have been involuntarily committed for behavioral health treatment (in addition to those already prohibited due to having been involuntarily committed for mental health treatment) to the list of persons prohibited from possessing firearms.
Status: HB 1038 is in the House Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee where it is eligible for a public hearing and executive session.
Action: Contact your representatives on the House Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee and let them know you support HB 1038.
Criminal mistreatment of children and vulnerable adults
HB 1048 Concerning the removal of specific religious references regarding the criminal mistreatment of children and vulnerable adults from a statute.
HB 1048 removes a statutory reference that gives rise to constitutional issues by singling out one particular religion in statute. The statute is change to state that health care decisions made in reliance on faith-based services do not constitute negligent treatment or maltreatment unless such a decision poses clear and present danger to the health, welfare, or safety of a child. It also removes the reference to a person who is furnished with Christian Science treatment by an accredited Christian Science practitioner in lieu of medical care as not being considered deprived of medically necessary health care or abandoned.
Status: HB 1048 is in the House Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee where it is eligible for a public hearing and executive session.
Action: Contact your representatives on the House Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee and let them know you support HB 1048.
Sexual assault victims
HB 1109 Concerning sexual assault victims
HB 1109 requires that if a sexual assault kit results in in hit in the combined DNA index system shall upon request of the attorney general report changes in case status as to any related criminal investigation and prosecution to the office of the attorney general. The attorney general’s office is directed to establish reporting requirements and to submit semiannual reports on the status of investigations and prosecution of sexual assault cases. HB 1109 also requires that the criminal justice training commission conduct an annual review 1109
program of case files from law enforcement agencies in order to identify changes to training and investigatory practices necessary to optimize outcomes in sexual assault investigations and prosecutions. The analysis must include the impact that race and ethnicity have on sexual assault case outcomes. The bill also expands the rights of sexual assault victims to:
- Receive written notice of crime victims benefits from the medical facility providing the medical treatment related to the sexual assault
- Receive a referral to a community sexual assault program and if the victim is a minor to a children’s advocacy center
- Consult with a sexual assault survivor advocate throughout the investigatory process and prosecution
- Receive timely notification from the law enforcement agency and prosecuting attorney as to the status of the case
- Be informed of expected time frames for receiving responses to the survivor’s inquiries regarding the case status
- Access interpreter services where necessary to facilitate communication
- For minors
- The prosecutor to consider and discuss the survivor’s request for remote video testimony
- The court to consider requests from the prosecutor for safeguarding the survivor’s feelings of security and safety in the courtroom in order to facilitate the survivor’s testimony and participation in the court proceedings
Status: HB 1109 has passed out of the House Public Safety Committee and is likely to be sent to the House Appropriations Committee.
Action: Contact your representatives and let them know that you support HB 1109.
Assault weapons and large capacity magazines
HB 1164 Addressing firearm safety measures to increase public safety
SB 5078 Addressing firearm safety measures to increase public safety
HB 1164 and SB 5078 establish firearm safety measures to increase public safety by prohibiting the manufacture, possession, distribution, importation, selling, offering for sale, purchasing or transfer of large capacity magazines. A large capacity magazine is defined to mean an ammunition feeding device with the capacity to accept more than 10 rounds of ammunition, or any conversion kit, part, or combination of parts, from which such a device can be assembled if those parts are in possession of or under the control of the same person
Status: HB 1164 is in the House Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee where it is eligible for a public hearing and executive session.
SB 5078 has passed out of the Senate Law and Justice Committee and is now in the Senate Rules Committee where it can be scheduled for a vote by the full Senate.
Action: Contact your representatives on the House Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee and let them know that you support HB HB 1164.
Contact your senators and let them know you support SB 5078 and ask that they vote YES when it comes to the floor.
HB 1229 Concerning assault weapons
SB 5217 Concerning assault weapons
HB 1229 & SB 5217 create definitions for assault-style weapons and restricts assault-style weapon ownership requiring that no person in this state may manufacture, possess, distribute, import, transfer, sell, offer for sale, purchase, or otherwise transfer any assault weapon except in limited circumstances as defined in the bill.
Status: HB 1229 is in the House Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee where it is eligible for a public hearing and executive session.
SB 5217 is in the Senate Law and Justice Committee where it is eligible for a public hearing and executive session.
Action: Contact your representatives on the House Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee and let them know that you support HB HB 1229.
Contact your senators on the Senate Law and Justice Committee and let them know you support SB 5217 and ask that they pass it out of committee.
Display of weapons
HB 1283 Including the open carry or display of weapons within the offense of criminal mischief.
HB 1283 adds to the Criminal Mischief RCW the following: if a person “openly carries or displays a deadly weapon in a manner that would lead a reasonable person to feel threatened.”
Status: HB 1283 is in the House Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee where it is scheduled for a public hearing on Tuesday, February 2nd at 10 AM. It is also scheduled for executive session on Friday, February 5th at 8 AM.
Action: Contact your representatives on the House Committee on Civil Rights and Judiciary and let them know that you support HB 1283.
Domestic violence survivors
HB 1293 Reducing unduly harsh sentences for offenses committed by domestic violence survivors.
HB 1293, known as the Survivors Justice Act, allows the Court to reduce any term of incarceration or other penalties or impose alternatives when the defendant is 1) a survivor of domestic violence committed by an intimate partner; 2) the domestic violence suffered by the defendant was a significant contributing factor to the defendant’s criminal conduct; and 3) the generally applicable sentencing requirements under this chapter would be unduly harsh given the nature and circumstances of the crime and the history, character, and condition of the defendant. HB 1293 also allows any person who is currently serving a sentence imposed prior to the effective date of this section may petition the sentencing court for resentencing on the basis previously described.
Status: HB 1293 is in the House Public Safety Committee where it is scheduled for a public hearing on Tuesday, February 2nd at 8AM.
Action: Contact your representatives on the House Public Safety Committee and let them know that you support HB 1293.
Domestic violence task force
HB 1315 Creating a task force to identify the role of the workplace in helping curb domestic violence
HB 1315 states that the workplace may be the only location in which an individual experiencing domestic violence may be free from a perpetrator and feel safe. In either a physical or remote environment, individuals experiencing domestic violence may also find the workplace a place of shared confidences. Therefore, the legislature intends to create a task force to explore ways in which the employer and employee community may help curb domestic violence.
The task force will be a (up to) 12-member committee comprised of representation across industries, violence and sexual assault coalitions, and to include a federally recognized tribe. The preliminary report is due 12/1/2021, with final recommendations due 12/1/2022.
Status: HB 1315 is in the House Labor and Workplace Committee where it is scheduled for a public hearing on Tuesday, February 2nd at 10AM.
Action: Contact your representatives on the House Labor and Workplace Committee and let them know that you support HB 1315.
Civil protection orders
HB 1320 Modernizing, harmonizing, and improving the efficacy and accessibility of laws concerning civil protection orders.
SB 5297 Modernizing, harmonizing, and improving the efficacy and accessibility of laws concerning civil protection orders.
HB 1320 & SB 5297 consolidate the six types of civil protection orders into a single chapter of the RCW. The six types of civil protection orders are (a) Domestic violence protection orders; (b) vulnerable adult protection orders; (c) antiharassment protection orders; (d) sexual assault protection orders; (e) stalking protection orders; and (f) extreme risk protection orders. It also creates a pathway to consolidate jurisdictional divisions to a more consistent approach with protection orders. The consolidation will come from recommendations from the Washington State Women’s Commission in consultation with the administrative office, the Gender and Justice Commission, and representatives of the courts, and is due 12/1/2021.
Status: HB 1320 is in the House Committee on Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee where it is eligible for an executive session
SB 5297 is in the Senate Law and Justice Committee where it is eligible for a public hearing and executive session.
Action: Contact your representatives on the House Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee and let them know you support HB 1320 and ask that they pass it out of committee.
Contact your senators on the Senate Law and Justice Committee and let them know you support SB 5297.
Recognizing coercive control is a form of domestic violence.
HB 1449 Creating the crime of coercive control.
HB1449 acknowledges that the pandemic of domestic violence is occurring alongside the COVID-19 pandemic.
The crime of coercive control is established, barring any person from engaging in a course of conduct against a family or household member or intimate partner without his or her consent in order to limit or restrict, in full or in part, his or her behavior, movement, associations, or access to or use of his or her own finances or financial information.
A person is guilty of coercive control if he or she engages in a course of conduct against a family or household member or intimate partner, as those terms are defined in RCW 10.99.020, without his or her consent in order to limit or restrict, in full or in part, his or her behavior, movement, associations, or access to or use of his or her own finances or financial information.
Lack of consent results from forcible compulsion or from fear that refusal to consent will result in further actions limiting or restricting the family or household member or intimate partner’s behavior, movement, associations, or access to or use of his or her own finances or financial information.
Coercive control is a gross misdemeanor.
Status: HB 1449 has not yet been assigned to a committee.
Action: Contact your representatives on House Rules Committee and let them know you support HB 1449 and ask that they assign it to a committee.
Prohibiting open carry of weapons at public demonstrations and the state capitol
SB 5038 Prohibiting the open carry of certain weapons at public demonstrations and the state capitol.
SB 5038 prohibits a person from knowingly carrying a firearm or other weapon while attending a demonstration – a march, rally, vigil, sit-in or picket which has the effect or intent of attracting a crowd – at a public place or within 1000 feet of a demonstration. The bill also prohibits any person to knowingly open carry a firearm or other weapon on the state capitol grounds, in any building on the state capitol grounds, in any state legislative office, or at any location of a public legislative hearing or meeting during the hearing or meeting.
Status: SB 5038 is in the Senate Rules Committee where it can be scheduled for a vote by the full senate.
Action: Contact your senators to let them know you support SB 5038 and ask for a YES vote when it comes to the floor.
Victims of nonfatal strangulation
SB 5183 Concerning victims of nonfatal strangulation.
SB 5183 directs the Office of Crime Victims Advocacy (OCVA) to develop practices for local communities to increase access to forensic nurse examiner services in nonfatal strangulation assaults, and to publish those best practices to its website by January 1, 2022. It also directs OCVA to develop strategies to make forensic nurse examiner training available throughout the state without causing unreasonable travel or expenses for nurses and report those strategies to the Governor and Legislature by October 1, 2022. The Crime Victims Compensation Program is authorized to pay for forensic examination of domestic violence victims of nonfatal strangulation and prohibits charging the victim for the examination.
Status: SB 5183 has passed out of the Senate Human Services, Reentry & Rehabilitation Committee and is now in the Senate Ways and Means Committee where it is eligible for a public hearing and executive session.
Action: Contact your senators on the Senate Ways and Means Committee and let them know you support SB 5183 and ask that they pass it out of committee.
Crime victim safety
SB 5245 Concerning the safety of crime victims.
SB 5245 allows a victim of a violent or serious violent offense to be eligible to receive reimbursement for private security services to attend court proceedings when the victim attests the alleged offender poses a substantial risk to their personal safety or the safety of their child, the offender is subject to a protection order, and the victim is at or below 80 percent of area median income. SB 5245 also adds victims of domestic violence offenders, certain assault offenders, vehicular homicide offenders, and controlled substance homicide offenders to receive notification of the offender’s pending release. Note that violent offenders, sex offenders, and domestic violence protection order offenders are already included in this RCW.
Status: SB 5245 is in the Senate Human Services, Reentry & Rehabilitation Committee where it is scheduled for an executive session on Friday, February 5th at 10:30 AM.
Action: Contact your senators on the Senate Human Services, Reentry & Rehabilitation Committee and let them know you support SB 5245 and ask that they pass it out of committee.
Tax deduction repeal to provide funds for basic needs.
HB 1111. Concerning investment income tax deductions
HB 1111 repeals current existing investment tax deductions currently granted to companies and nonprofits that have sufficient revenues to be able to make financial investments
Status: HB 1111 is in the House Finance Committee where it is eligible for a public hearing and executive session.
Action: Contact your representatives and let them know you supportHB 1111.
Capital gains tax
SB 5096 Concerning an excise tax on gains from the sale or exchange of certain capital assets
WA State has the most regressive tax system in the US with those who make the least amount of money paying the highest percentage of their income in taxes. Whereas the very wealthy paying a very small share of their income in taxes. SB 5096 would do the following:
- add a 9% tax on high-end capital gains – such as sales of stocks and bonds – only on profits greater than $25,000 (or $50,000 for couples filing jointly)
- raise more than $1 billion for community investment in the coming budget cycle and more than $2 billion in following budget cycles
The capital gains tax would NOT apply to gains from the sales of assets from:
- retirement accounts,
- college savings,
- small businesses,
- residential real estate, or
- farmland, timber, or livestock.
For a more in-depth explanation of what a capital gains tax in WA would do, see the Budget and Policy Center’s report on Closing the Tax Break on Capital Gains.
Status: SB 5096 is in the Senate Ways and Means Committee where it had a public hearing on Thursday, January 14, 2021 and is eligible for an executive session.
Action: Contact your senators on the Senate Ways and Means Committee and let them know you supportSB 5096 and ask that they schedule it for an executive session and vote YES to pass it out of committee.
State bank
SB 5188 Concerning the creation of the Washington state public bank.
SB 5188 establishes a state cooperative bank that provides opportunities of state, local, and tribal government entities to competitively finance a broad array of public infrastructure and economic development projects including housing, at competitive rates with low administrative costs and would gaps that the current banking system cannot or will not fill.
Status: SB 5188 is in the Senate Business, Financial Services and Trade Committee where it is scheduled for a public hearing on Thursday, January 28 at 8:00 AM.
Action: Contact your senators on the Senate Business, Financial Services and Trade Committee and let them know you supportSB 5188 and ask that they pass it out of committee.
Appropriations Committee:
Timm Ormsby (Chair), Steve Berquist (Vice Chair), Mia Gregerson (Vice Chair), Nicole Macri (Vice Chair), Matt Boehnke, Kelly Chambers, Chris Corry, Michele Caldier, Bruce Chandler, Frank Chopp, Eileen Cody, Laurie Dolan, Mary Dye, Joe Fitzgibbon, Noel Frame, Drew Hansen, Paul Harris, Larry Hoff, Cyndy Jacobsen, Jesse Johnson, Debra Lekanoff, Drew MacEwen, Gerry Pollet, Skyler Rude, Cindy Ryu, Joe Schmick, Tana Senn, Larry Springer, Mike Steele, Drew Stokesbary, Monica Stonier, Pat Sullivan, and Steve Tharinger
Capital Budget Committee:
Steve Tharinger (Chair), Lisa Callan (Vice Chair), David Hackney (Vice Chair), Peter Abbarno, Jessica Bateman, Mary Dye, Carolyn Eslick, Greg Gilday, Shelley Kloba, Vicki Kraft, Mari Leavitt, Drew MacEwen, Jacquelin Maycumber, Joel McEntire, Gina Mosbrucker, Strom Peterson, Marcus Riccelli, Alicia Rule, Mike Steele, Sharon Tomiko Santos, Mike Sells, Sharon Shewmake, and Mike Volz
Children Youth and Families:
Tana Senn (Chair), Tarra Simmons (Vice Chair), Alicia Rule (Vice Chair), Lisa Callan, Rob Chase, Tom Dent, Carolyn Eslick, Roger Goodman, Lillian Ortiz-Self, Brad Klippert, Bob McCaslin, Emily Wicks, and Jesse Young
Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee
Drew Hansen (Chair), Tarra Simmons (Vice Chair), Peter Abbarno, Lauren Davis, Debra Entenman, Greg Gilday, Roger Goodman, Jenny Graham, Steve Kirby, Brad Klippert, Tina Orwall, Strom Peterson, My-Linh Thai, Javier Valdez, Amy Walen, Jim Walsh, and Alex Ybarra
College and Workforce Development Committee:
Vandana Slatter (Chair), Debra Entenman (Vice Chair), Mari Leavitt (Vice Chair), Kelly Chambers, Bruce Chandler, Drew Hansen, Larry Hoff, Cyndy Jacobsen, Vicki Kraft, Dave Paul, Gerry Pollet, Mike Sells, and Robert Sutherland
Commerce and Gaming Committee:
Shelley Kloba (Chair), Emily Wicks (Vice Chair), Drew MacEwen, Kelly Chambers, Steve Kirby, Melanie Morgan, Eric Robertson, Brandon Vick, and Sharon Wylie
Community & Economic Development
Cindy Ryu (Chair), Dave Paul (Vice Chair), Matt Boehnke, Rob Chase, Chris Corry, Noel Frame, Cyndy Jacobsen, Jesse Johnson, Vicki Kraft, John Lovick, Alicia Rule, Robert Sutherland, and Jamila Taylor
Consumer Protection and Business Committee:
Steve Kirby (Chair), Amy Walen (Vice Chair), Chris Corry, Jeremie Dufault, Cindy Ryu, Sharon Tomiko Santos, and Brandon Vick
Education Committee:
Sharon Tomiko Santos (Chair), Laurie Dolan (Vice Chair), April Berg, Steve Berquist, Lisa Callan, Bob McCaslin, Joel McEntire, Lillian Ortiz-Self, Skyler Rude, Mike Steele, Monica Stonier, Jim Walsh and Alex Ybarra
Environment & Energy Committee:
Joe Fitzgibbon (Chair), Davina Duerr (Vice Chair), Peter Abbarno, Liz Berry, Mary Dye, Matt Boehnke, Jake Fey, Keith Goehner, Kirsten Harris-Talley, Mark Klicker, Alex Ramel, Sharon Shewmake, and Vandana Slatter
Finance Committee:
Noel Frame (Chair), April Berg (Vice Chair), Amy Walen (Vice Chair), Ed Orcutt, Rob Chase, Frank Chopp, Jeremie Dufault, Kirsten Harris-Talley, Melanie Morgan, Tina Orwall, Alex Ramel, Larry Springer, Drew Stokesbary, My-Linh Thai, Brandon Vick, Sharon Wylie, and Jesse Young
Health Care and Wellness Committee:
Eileen Cody (Chair), Jessica Bateman (Vice Chair), Dan Bronoske, Michelle Caldier, Lauren Davis, Paul Harris, Nicole Macri, Jacquelin Maycumber, Marcus Riccelli, Skyler Rude, Joe Schmick, Tarra Simmons, Monica Stonier, Steve Tharinger, and Alex Ybarra
Housing, Human Services, and Veterans Committee:
Strom Peterson, (Chair), Jamila Taylor (Vice Chair), Andrew Barkis, Jessica Bateman, Michele Caldier, Frank Chopp, Greg Gilday, Mari Leavitt, and My-Linh Thai,
Labor and Workplace Standards Committee:
Mike Sells (Chair), Liz Berry (Vice-Chair), Dan Bronoske, Lillian Ortiz-Self, Paul Harris, Larry Hoff, and Gina Mosbrucker
Local Government Committee:
Gerry Pollet (Chair), Davina Duerr (Vice Chair), Tina Berg, Keith Goehner, Dan Griffey, Eric Robertson, and Tana Senn
Public Safety Committee:
Roger Goodman (Chair), Jesse Johnson (Vice Chair), Lauren Davis, Jenny Graham, Dan Griffey, David Hackney, Brad Klippert, John Lovick, Gina Mosbrucker, Tina Orwall, Bill Ramos, Tarra Simmons and Jesse Young
Rules Committee:
Laurie Jinkins (Chair), Steve Berquist, Micelle Caldier, Lauren Davis, Tom Dent, Jeremie Dufault, Greg Gilday, Jenny Graham, Mia Gregerson, Paul Harris, Cyndy Jacobsen, Mark Klicker, Joel Kretz, John Lovick, Melanie Morgan, Lillian Ortiz-Self, Tina Orwall, Alex Ramel, Marcus Riccelli, Eric Robertson, Tarra Simmons, Larry Springer, Monica Juarado Stonier, Pat Sullivan, My-Linh Thai, Amy Walen, and J.T. Wilcox
Rural Development, Agriculture, and Natural Resources Committee:
Mike Chapman (Chair), Sharon Shewmake (Vice Chair), Bruce Chandler, Tom Dent, Mary Dye, Joe Fitzgibbon, Mark Klicker, Shelley Kloba, Joel Kretz, Debra Lekanoff, Joel McEntire, Melanie Morgan, Ed Orcutt, Erick Pettigre, Bill Ramos, Joe Schmick, Larry Springer, and Jim Walsh
State Government and Tribal Relations Committee:
Javier Valdez (Chair), Debra Lekanoff (Vice Chair), Laurie Dolan, Jenny Graham, Mia Gregerson, Mike Volz, and Jim Walsh
Transportation Committee:
Jake Fey (Chair), Sharon Wylie (1st Vice Chair), Dan Bronoske (2nd Vice Chair), Bill Ramos (2nd Vice Chair), Andrew Barkis, Liz Berry, Mike Chapman, Tom Dent, Davina Duerr, Debra Entenman, Carolyn Eslick, Keith Gohner, Dan Griffey, David Hackney, Mark Klicker, John Lovick, Bob McCaslin, Ed Orcutt, Dave Paul, Marcus Riccelli, Eric Robertson, Vandana Slatter, Robert Sutherland, Jamila Taylor, Javier Valdez, Mike Volz, Jim Walsh, and Emily Wicks
Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources and Parks Committee:
Kevin Van De Wege (Chair), Jesse Salomon (Vice Chair), Judy Warnick, Jim Honeyford, Christine Rolfes, Derek Stanford, and Shelly Short
Behavioral Health Subcommittee to Health & Long-Term Care Committee:
Manka Dhingra (Chair), Keith Wagoner, David Frockt, T’wina Nobles, and Judy Warnick
Business, Financial Services and Trade Committee:
Mark Mullet (Chair), Bob Hasegawa (Vice Chair), Perry Dozier, Sharon Brown, David Frockt, Steve Hobbs, and Lynda Wilson
Early Learning and K-12 Committee:
Lisa Wellman (Chair), T’wina Nobles (Vice Chair – K12 Education), Claire Wilson (Vice Chair – Early Learning), Perry Dozier, Brad Hawkins, Sam Hunt, Jim McCune, Mark Mullet, and Jamie Pedersen,
Environment, Energy, and Technology Committee:
Reuven Carlyle (Chair), Liz Lovelett (Vice Chair), Doug Ericksen, Phil Fortunado, Sharon Brown, Mona Das, Steve Hobbs, Marko Liias, Joe Nguyen, Tim Sheldon, Shelly Short, Derek Stanford, and Lisa Wellman
Health and Long Term Care Committee:
Annette Cleveland (Chair), David Frockt (Vice Chair), Ron Muzzall, Steve Conway, Jeff Holy, Karen Keiser, Mike Padden, Emily Randall, Ann Rivers, June Robinson, Kevin Van De Wege, and Jeff Wilson
Higher Education and Workforce Development Committee:
Emily Randall (Chair), T’wina Nobles (Vice Chair), Jeff Holy, Sharon Brown, Doug Ericksen, and Marko Liias
Housing and Local Government Committee:
Patty Kuderer (Chair), Mona Das (Vice Chair), Phil Fortunato, Annette Cleveland, Chris Gildon, Liz Lovelett, Shelly Short, Jesse Solomon, and Judy Warnick
Human Services, Reentry & Rehabilitation Committee:
Jeanne Darneille (Chair), Joe Nguyen (Vice Chair), Chris Gildon, Perry Dozier, Jim McCune, Rebecca Saldaña, and Claire Wilson
Labor, Commerce, & Tribal Affairs Committee:
Karen Keiser (Chair), Derek Stanford (Vice Chair – Commerce & Tribal Affairs), Steve Conway (Vice Chair-Labor), Curtis King, John Braun, Jim Honeyford, June Robinson, Rebecca Saldaña, and Mark Schoesler
Law & Justice Committee:
Jamie Pedersen (Chair), Manka Dhingra (Vice Chair), Jeanne Darneille, Mike Padden, Jeff Holy, Patty Kuderer, Jim McCune, Jesse Salomon, and Keith Wagoner
Rules Committee:
Denny Heck (Lt. Gov – Chair). Karen Keiser (Vice Chair), Andy Billig, John Braun, Reuven Carlyle, Annette Cleveland, Chris Gildon, Bob Hasegawa, Curtis King, Patty Kuderer, Marko Liias, Ron Muzzall, Joe Nguyen, Jamie Pedersen, Ann Rivers, Shelly Short, and Claire Wilson
State Government & Elections Committee:
Sam Hunt (Chair), Patty Kuderer (Vice Chair), Jeff Wilson, Bob Hasegawa, and Brad Hawkins
Transportation Committee:
Steve Hobbs (Chair), Rebecca Saldaña (Vice Chair), Curtis King, Annette Cleveland, Mona Das, Phil Fortunato, Brad Hawkins, Liz Lovelett, Joe Nguyen, T’wina Nobles, Mike Padden, Emily Randall, Tim Sheldon, Claire Wilson, and Jeff Wilson
Ways & Means Committee:
Christine Rolfes (Chair), David Frockt (Vice Chair – Capital), June Robinson (Vice Chair – Operating and Revenue), Lynda Wilson, John Braun, Sharon Brown, Reuven Carlyle, Steve Conway, Jeanne Darneille, Manka Dhingra, Bob Hasegawa, Jim Honeyford, Chris Gildon, Sam Hunt, Patty Kuderer, Marko Liias, Mark Mullet, Ron Muzzall, Jamie Pedersen, Ann Rivers, Mark Schoesler, Kevin Van De Wege, Keith Wagoner, Judy Warnick, and Lisa Wellman,
Hint: You can view bills by going to the following website and plug in the bill number for which you want to view the history and status:
Thank you to the following people who contributed to this edition of the 2021 Weekly Legislative Alert
- Cathy Baylor
- Hanna Febach
- Christina Henry
- Amber Koens
- Jackie McGourty
- Linda Tosti-Lane
- Lisa Weber