Gifted to us by Jennifer Bereskin (Delia)
Qawalangin (Koo-WAH-ling-ghin) Tribe of Unalaska (UN-alaska) – Unangan (Ooh-nah-nah’)
Youngest Daughter of The Sea Monster Man – Snohomish

Today we gather on the ancestral homelands of the Coast Salish people of Turtle Island. We acknowledge that we currently live on stolen land of the Coast Salish people. I ask that we all acknowledge the sovereign and inherent rights of their elders past, present and future generations.

We acknowledge the painful historical impacts of colonization and mass genocide against the Coast Salish People which continues in tribal communities today. The strength and resilience of the Coast Salish people who fight against cultural and environmental genocide within their communities while maintaining the inherent connections to the land.

I challenge us all to learn from the Coast Salish People who have lived here since time immemorial. It is every person’s responsibility to better understand and strengthen relationships with all the living beings within our communities and on Mother Earth.

Human Beings Acknowledgement

It’s important we acknowledge the people who were ripped from their ancestral lands against their will. We must acknowledge the human beings whose physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual essence were violated and abused for the sole benefit of colonization of this county. We must work together to protect all living creatures and that includes the land, water, sky and humanity.