Committee Chair: Marty Ross
Committee Vice-Chair: Vacant
Our Communications & Technology Committee is responsible for the management of the website, Facebook page, and Facebook group; mail and e-mail preparation and posting; and providing technical support for our online meetings.
Our Communications Committee meetings are held online on the first Monday of each month at 7:00 PM. If you are interested in joining this committee please email our Comm/Tech Chair. You can also connect with us at our next General Meeting. Please check our event calendar for our General Meeting and Committee Meeting schedules!
The Communications and Technology Committee is currently working to update and improve our website, improve our online meeting access, and better manage our email system. We are looking for volunteers to help keep our website and Facebook sites up-to-date. Please contact us to help out and to share your ideas for improvements! We would love to have more web & tech savvy people join the cause!